Do you believe what you see is what the reality is?
Do you believe what you see is what the reality is?

Do you believe what you see is what the reality is?

The same thing can be view by two people and conclude two different outcomes.

You act, and feel, not according to what things are really like, but according to the Image your mind holds of what they are like.

You have certain mental images of yourself, your world, and the people around you, and you behave as though these images were the truth, the reality, rather than the things they represent.

If we picture ourselves performing in a certain manner, it is nearly the same as the actual performance. Mental practice helps to make perfect.

If everything is rotating around the Image, we have it in our mind. We need to master installing the images in our minds.

This Saturday, we will be covering the art of installing that Image.

You can ping me for the zoom link or contact a PIM coach.

#leadership #growth #success #peakimpactmentorship

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