“The worst wounds, the deadliest of them, aren’t the ones people see on the outside. They are the ones that make us bleed internally.” – Sherrilyn Kenyon
Think about every single individual that you admire and look up to
Then think of how they got there
Thousands of line of code
Hours of writing, singing, dancing
Months of practice early morning
Weeks of walking, running, lifting
Years of looking in the mirror and questioning why me?
Years of looking in the mirror and crying uncontrollably
Years of looking in the mirror and saying, don’t you dare to give up? It is not an option
Don’t you dare to get comfortable? If you get, you are gone, simply gone
Don’t you dare to think it was meant to be easy? If you think so, be ready to get surprises

Away from the crowd
Away from the praise
Away from the applause
What you do when no one can see you, defines what they see when they do.

This good management of ruthless experiences in life leads to real growth and we call this miracle the Law of Pain.
Try implementing it, it heals, it works, it keeps you going and it does magic.
“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.” – David Richo